exhibition chair

Bench Form and Function in Any Room

One of my favorite ways to freshen up any room at home in need of an update (well, one that does not involve any hammering, sawing or drilling new holes in my walls) is incorporating a space for a bench to bring style and functionality into a room.  I’ve always been a fan of tufting and our Exhibition Bench, like our Exhibition 2-Seat Bench pictured here, seems to translate beautifully into every setting.  We have worked hard to master this level of tufting on our Exhibition Bench and are proud of our finished product.  More tufting is universally considered to be the most premium look and is one of many key features to set our Exhibition Bench apart from all the others.  Here are just a few ideas of spots to use benches in your home:

Exhibition 2-Seat Bench

Exhibition 2-Seat Bench in Cream White Leather


Create a landing zone in your entryway or front hallway.  This can be where you drop your belongings as soon as you walk in the door.  Even better, you will have everything you need in one place the next time you are on your way out the door and will never waste a single second searching endlessly for lost keys

In the Bedroom:

At the foot of the bed is an elegant detail for any bedroom and can even function as extra storage, a step stool, extra seating or in place of a footboard

In the Dining Room:

A dining bench can be used in combination with dining chairs or instead of dining chairs around your dining table.  Since it takes up no vertical space and can be tucked under the table when not in use, its a perfect alternative to dining chairs, especially in small spaces.

Use as a Coffee Table:

It is an unexpected and stylish alternative to a coffee table, offering all the same functionality and can even be an acceptable spot to put your feet up (most of the time).

Pictured here is our Exhibition 2-Seat Bench in our Cream White Leather, serving as a landing sone to use immediately upon walking in the door.  You can see this bench and all our other modern benches at our showroom located in Bellingham!

Modern Home: Quick Cleaning In Minutes Before Guests Arrive

Exhibition Chair and Footstool

Our Exhibition Chair and Footstool in Black Leather

When life gets busy and your keeping your modern home tidy falls to the bottom of the list of priorities, there’s no better reminder its time to clean up than those 10 minutes before guests are due to arrive.  Considering it is going to take more time to get your modern home back to it’s usual pristine condition, focus on tackling certain areas for now and you can have your modern home look put together enough just as your doorbell rings:

Clear Surfaces: Its easy to let clutter build up on any available surface without paying much attention to it, but by clearing the dishes you may have on your kitchen counter and hanging up the jacket you mindlessly tossed on your Exhibition Chair (and all other surfaces in between) your modern home will already appear vastly tidier than it was before.

Bathroom: This is an area all guests will see at some point, and where you need to focus on straightening up and wiping down all surfaces, even if there’s not enough time to do a thorough deep cleaning until later.  It is the one spot in your home where being anything less than clean is hard for guests to ignore.

Sitting Area: Since this is the other area your guests will all see, take a few minutes to wipe down and vacuum the overall area.  It will create a fresh and welcoming area for everyone.

Love Is In The Details: But this is not the time to devote to arbitrary details as if you have all the time in the world.  Still, it takes mere seconds to light your new soy wax candle or to set out those fresh flowers, thus transforming your modern home into a comfortable environment for you and your guests.

Sparkling Clean Dishes and Glassware: Is there anything as cringeworthy as noticing foreign food particles on your wine glass just as you are going in for a sip?  Be sure not to put your guests in this awkward position and have everything cleaned and inspected before they arrive.

These are just a few of my tried and true methods, what are some of your favorites?  Share below or in person by visiting us at our showroom location in Bellingham!

Maintenance Methods For Your Modern Furniture

Our Exhibition Chair and Ottoman Ready for Cleaning

Our Exhibition Chair and Ottoman Ready for Cleaning

No matter how careful we are, the law of entropy states at some point we will spill, bump into, stain, scratch or knock over items at home.  Since I have always been a bit accident-prone (my friends consider it an endearing quality…. sort of), I know all too well the best methods for modern furniture maintenance and how to reverse these everyday mishaps.

Since its a new year, its as good a time as any to spend some time on your modern furniture maintenance and get it back to looking brand new!


It is a good habit to clean your leather furniture a few times a year or as needed.  I only use Lexol leather products, but whichever brand you use you will need to test it on a small area before proceeding to clean the rest of your leather furniture:

-Apply cleaning formula to a wet cloth and rub vigorously enough to work up a lather.  Wipe away foam with new clean and damp cloth.

-Apply conditioner to a new damp cloth and massage into the leather in a circular motion.  Wipe away the excess and allow leather to dry.

Helpful Tips:

Don’t be a rebel here and apply the cleaner or conditioner directly to the leather.  By applying it to the wet cloth first, you maintain control and will not waste any cleaning formula dripping everywhere.

For tough stains (for example, spilled makeup on white leather), I have always had luck with dabbing olive oil or coconut oil on the stain and letting it sit for a few minutes before wiping it away.

For really tough stains or deep visible scratches, find a leather care specialist.  They have the tools to fix it and make it look like new.


No matter how careful you, wood scratches are going to happen at some point.  Luckily, there are a few easy ways to fix them:

-Rubbing half a walnut or almond over a small scratch can sometimes make it less visible.  I’ve never been satisfied with the results of this method, but in a pinch it will do the trick well enough.

-Wood Scratch Repair Kits are found at any hardware store.  The tools and materials they provide are perfect for taking care of those minor but visible bumps and scratches.  I pretty much always keep one within arm’s reach.

-For larger scrapes, seek out a professional who can match the wood finish to the rest of the chair.  Though it may set you back between $100-200 depending on the damage, in the long run its worth every penny.

Stainless Steel

Aside from shining away the occasional finger prints, stainless steel’s impressive durability means low maintenance and therefore perfect for high traffic areas of your home.

What are your best furniture maintenance methods? Share below or visit us at our showroom location in Bellingham!

Space Planning Your Modern Living Room

Space Planning with the Exhibition Chair and Ottoman

Space Planning with the Exhibition Chair and Ottoman

In the words of one my most memorable high school teachers “failure to plan is a plan to fail.”  As it turns out, there is universal truth to this classic saying, particularly when it comes to furnishing your modern living room and proper space planning.

Space planning in your modern living room is an incredibly personal venture (not private, just personal) and will differ from household to household based on a variety of factors from kids, no kids, television watchers, avid entertainers, etc.  That being said, these are mere guidelines to get you started in the right direction:

Functionality:  When John and I were furnishing our first place, he would remind me on several occasions “our home is not a showroom” and, admittedly, point taken.  As much as I love a pristinely furnished modern living room, it is useless if not a sustainably comfortable and livable space.  Whether the main use is entertaining guests or a place to chill at the end of the day, establish the main function of your living room first and everything that follows will fall into place to create the best living room for you.

Focal Point:  This could be anything, from a novel piece of art or furniture, a new Barcelona Chair Reproduction, or simply the television.  The focal point’s main role is where in the room the eye is immediately drawn, and is usually the first significant addition and the central point of reference to furnish the surrounding area.

Traffic Flow:  I’m not one to make a thing of it when I’m right and John is wrong, but when it came to our way-too-big-sofa, well… Me: 1 and John:0.  Take special note of which size your furniture should be before you even begin shopping so you know what to look for to allow adequate space to create a path instead of jumping over the back of your sofa to sit (anyone who lives with an open floor plan can relate).  There are entire textbooks written on spacing rules and for every possible type of furniture and decor, so to get you started (and for  the sake of brevity) here are a few living room rules for spacing that everyone will use:

-30-36 inches between walls and furniture

-14-18 inches between coffee table and sofa and other seating

-At least 3.5 feet between seating furniture which will allow easy conversation flow in the room without feeling crowded

As I said, these are only meant to serve as guidelines to get you started in the right direction.  You can take it wherever you like from there and we always welcome comments and pictures of your space planning genius.  You can also visit us at our factory showroom location in Bellingham!